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Contact Lens

Released by Bescon, NewGen Si One is the world¡¯s no. 2 daily silicone hydrogel contact lenses. It is made by using Biocompatible material (Silicone Hydrogel), thus providing the most convenient modality.

NewGen Si One also features superb oxygen rotation with FFSS technology, high oxygen permeability (DK) and transmissibility (DK/t) and provides 90% of available oxygen to the eyes. Thus, wearers are able to experience superior comfort for long hours. The DK/t of NewGen Si One is 78.6, compared with the fact that the EOP Requirement of Daily Contact Lenses is 25.

Other outstanding characteristics include high definition with advanced aspheric design, excellent water rotation with medium and edge lift, comfortable modulus, and moisturizing with 56% water as well as easy patient insertion with blue handling tint and UVA and UVB protection.

NewGen Silicone Hydrogel lenses consist of a lot of porosities like sponges with 3-D providing superb oxygen and water rotation to cornea for healthier eyes.


The first time I used contact lenses to replace my glasses was in high school, and I was prescribed the "soft" lens that was, and still is, the most common. They were relatively cheap and easy to use but like most of the soft, disposable or two-week lenses they didn't really leave my eyes feeling that great. Because they are made to be cheap and last only a short period of time, they don't have the features of more advances lenses. I remember that it took me a long time to adjust to wearing contact lenses, and always having dry and irritated eyes. I also began to learn that those types of lenses weren't the best for eye health.

Then I gave a new type of lenses a try − the "hard" type lenses that are also called rigid gas-permeable lenses. They are rigid as opposed to the floppy soft lenses, and are designed to let through oxygen. They were much more comfortable since they were specially fitted for my eyes instead of coming in a box. I was also told that they are safer since they clean and disinfect easily, stay hydrated, are easier to handle, and last longer than soft lenses. It took me some time to get used to them −¡©¡©¡©¡© in fact much longer than it took me to wear soft lenses comfortably − but once I went through the adjustment period I felt that I had found the lenses that were best for me. But they would sometimes still feel very stiff and uncomfortable in my eyes. I also suffered a lot for some reason on very windy days or when there was a lot of dust or pollen in the air. And most importantly, they were expensive! Each set cost hundreds of dollars, and while losing a soft lens or two wasn't that big of a deal, losing a rigid lens was a painful experience. They were also harder to handle and I hated having to use the little applicator/blower every time I put in or took out my contacts.

Recently however I found out about a new type of contacts that are sort of between rigid and soft lenses. They were made by a company called Bescon and were recommended by my optometrist. Basically they have the advantages of both. Silicon lenses have many times the oxygen permeability of regular soft lenses, and I could tell right away that they were more comfortable than the soft lenses I used to wear a long time ago. Called "silicon hydrogel" lenses, I also noticed that these new lenses were much easier to handle than soft lenses. I'm sure anyone who's ever handled soft lenses knows how it feels when the lens folds in on itself or becomes wrinkled. It's inconvenient and can sometimes ruin the lens. These silicon lenses, however, are much more rigid and easier to handle. They just feel more ample and sturdy, and supple. They also feel much more comfortable in my eyes, and I don't feel that my eyes are as tired as they used to tend to get when I wore other types of lenses. Unlike soft lenses, I'm told they also last much longer, even up to six months.

The brochure I received with my new lenses told me that Bescon is a company that has specialized in making only contact lenses for the past 50 years, with partner companies in over 40 countries around the world. Bescon silicon hydrogel lenses, as I noticed myself, are much more comfortable and safe because they are designed to be much more oxygen permeable compared to soft lenses without many of the disadvantages of rigid lenses. They are much more flexible than regular gas-permeable rigid lenses, for example, which means they don't take much time to get used to and are much more comfortable on the eyes. Bescon hydrogel lenses are also made with materials that inhibit protein buildup and promote better fluid circulation, keeping my eyes moist throughout the day.
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